Prytorian Defender >> Forum >> Multiplay >> VS
 | VS | By: Filip Stjernberg At: 2008-11-04 09:17:26 | The coming 0.8 version will not have multiplayer implemented but the two concepts will be tested in a special single player game mode where the player will battle with/against a computer.
The next step will be to add the multiplayer functionality using a client - host system. |
|  | VS | By: Filip Stjernberg At: 2008-02-05 21:12:04 | In versos style two players are battling each other by sending enemies to the other one. Each player has their own path through which enemies will come and they have to build towers to defend their self just like in single player. The difference is that instead of building a tower they can choose to increase the opposing players’ enemies, make them immune, make them stronger etc. The first player to lose all their lives loses the game. The player can only build on his side of the map but bonus pods can be taken by any player. |
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